Sustainability in the production chains
By introducing Tiger Depack into production plant lines, it is possible to reduce the amount of waste produced directly at the source without generating waste.
By introducing Tiger Depack into production plant lines, it is possible to reduce the amount of waste produced directly at the source without generating waste.
ALL TYPES OF WASTE PRODUCTION: paper/cardboard, tetrapack, nonferrous, ferrous metals and plastics
Tiger Depack, within a production line in the control phase, such as food and beverage production sites, separates the packaging from its contents with total recovery of the matrices without generating waste.
Cesaro Mac Import S.r.l. – Via delle Industrie, 28/29 – 30020 Eraclea (VE) | C.F. / P.I. IT03024640272 | Cap. Soc. € 5.000.000,00 i.v. | R.E.A. 276349 | SDI T04ZHR3
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